Dog, Cat Lovers Can See Their Pet Ride in Style

Berkshire Humane Society is launching a Leap Year raffle to raise money for shelter animals by offering dog and cat owners the chance to have their pet’s caricature and name included on a wrap of one of their shelter transport vans. Only 200 tickets will be sold – 100 for a dog van and 100 for a cat van. Twelve spaces are available on each van. Tickets were $229.00 each in honor of 2/29, Leap Day, but they were reduced to $129.00. All people who bought a ticket at $229.00 will receive a second ticket. Tickets are available at the Dr. John Reynolds Adoption and Education Center, 214 Barker Road in Pittsfield or by calling 413-447-7878, extension 131. The drawing is April 1st.
“Berkshire Humane Society is excited to partner with caricature artist Reuben Lara of Barkshire Dog Trading Company to adorn our vans,” said John Perreault, Executive Director of Berkshire Humane Society. “Our transport vans travel around the Berkshires and beyond and we wanted to spruce them up with happy pets, regardless of whether or not they were adopted from Berkshire Humane Society,” he said. “This is a great way to honor the joy your current or past pet has given while raising money for a good cause – we not only help homeless animals find homes, but have several programs to help keep pets in their homes. And, with only 100 tickets per van sold for 12 spots, your chances of winning are great! Get them now before they’re gone!”
Tickets will be sold as supplies last through March 31 and the winner will be drawn on the afternoon of April 1st in front of the Dr. John Reynolds Adoption and Education Center. The drawing will be live-streamed on Facebook @BerkshireHumane.
For rules and more information, visit the Wrap Raffle page.