We’re having a little Halloween fun again this year promoting our Choose Your Subaru Raffle. From now through October 28th, watch our Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/BerkshireHumane/) to see which guest character will pitch the raffle. You don’t have to have a Facebook account to watch. A total of eight characters will appear. After the last character airs on the 28th, fill out the form below naming the eight characters. We will randomly choose a winner from all correct entries on Friday, October 29th at 1:00 p.m.
We’d love you to buy a Subaru raffle ticket ($40 each or 3 for $100) to support homeless animals, but you don’t need to purchase one to win a prize package valued at more than $300: Car detail from Haddad Subaru worth $229, $50 Gift Certificate for Benson’s Pet Center, $50 gift certificate to Catwalk Boutique and more surprises.
Watch, smile and support — all for a great cause: homeless pets of Berkshire County!