Need help with feral cats? Call our Community Cat Program at 413-528-1328 (cell) or 413-447-7878 x. 143 (office).
Formerly Animal D.R.E.A.M.S, we’re now a program of Berkshire Humane Society at 214 Barker Road in Pittsfield.
The mission of the Community Cat Program is to improve the lives of unowned, outdoor cats and promote the humane care and acceptance of feral cats throughout Berkshire County and beyond. Through Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) the goal is to stabilize and ultimately reduce populations of feral cats, resulting in healthier cats and zero population growth. Through advocacy, education and action, we raise awareness and activism among citizens, animal care professionals, local government and the business community. Photo by Sheri Gustafson@MAF.