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A black kitten rides on a black bristly pig

And the Winners Are . . .

  • April 26, 2021
  • Catherine

Contents of our April 16th E-tales: Berkshire Humane Society’s National Pet Day Photo Contest Winners Silver Lining of Social Distancing: Training for Berkshire Humane Society Staff Available Animals for Adoption Scroll to the bottom of the page to sign up receive a new E-tales... Continue Reading

cat in carrier looking out

100 Cats for Christmas

  • November 6, 2018
  • Elizabeth

BHS Offers 6th Annual 100 Cats for Christmas For the 6th year, Berkshire Humane Society (BHS) has received a grant from the Massachusetts Animal Coalition’s (MAC) license plate program, which will support BHS’s 100 Cats for Christmas initiative during the month of December. 100... Continue Reading